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Practice areas.

Competition Law

Our team has vast experience in this important and emerging area of law, related to the markets for goods and services and their economic efficiency. We have fully participated in the formation of the competition authority and have handled cases before other regulatory bodies with powers in these matters. In the same way, we continuously take cases related to Unfair Competition, before specialized sectoral bodies.


One of the most experienced areas of Lapouble Jansen Morales. Our firm makes available the advisory services and legal representation on all issues concerning the protection of copyright, patents and distinctive signs. We accompany our clients in the processes of registering trademarks, commercial names, industrial designs, commercial slogans, granting of patents, as well as contractual negotiations related to image rights and their correct exploitation. Likewise, our services cover all litigious aspects that arise in the field of Intellectual Property.


The Firm has a recognized track record in Sports Law in the Dominican Republic. For many years we have been the leaders in legal advice for the main sports events, accompanying the most important sports marketing agencies in the country in the assembly and realization of these. Our clients, which include sports federations and associations, clubs, professional and amateur players, are provided with advisory services and legal representation in the framework of contractual negotiations, arbitration or judicial proceedings, at a national or international level. In collaboration with our Intellectual Property Department, we make available to our clients all the necessary advice in this area and its impact on the field of sport.

Civil Rights

Our team makes legal advice and representation available to our clients in different situations such as: Contract Law, Civil Liability, Family Law, Estate Planning, acquisition and assignment of real and personal rights.

Corporate Law

We are at the disposal of our clients to satisfy all their needs related to Corporate Law, from advice for the constitution of the legal entity that best suits their business model, to the dissolution of commercial companies, legal audits, purchase and sale of shares or businesses, mergers, acquisitions, divisions and all types of company reorganizations, administrative procedures before government institutions, among others.


Our team makes advisory and support services available to our clients in the different processes that may arise within the framework of the legal system of the Public Administration and its relations with natural and legal persons. We have experience in processing procedures at the administrative headquarters, as well as in the contentious administrative jurisdiction, being pioneers in the participation in processes initiated with the "Law No. 107-13, on the Rights of Persons in their relations with the Administration and of Administrative Procedure”.


At the Firm we have significant experience in managing areas of law related to regulated sectors, such as telecommunications, energy, insurance, pensions, securities and banking, not only in aspects related to Administrative Law, but also in its technical and economic components.

Consumer Rights

We make available to our clients: professionals and consumers, legal advisory and representation services on all issues that concern Consumer Law, whom we accompany in their processes of complaints, claims, registration of professionals, registration of contests, registration of adhesion contracts and all administrative and contentious procedures that may be submitted to the National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (PROCONSUMIDOR).


Lapouble Jansen Morales encourages and promotes the development of the figure of the collaborative lawyer, which is characterized by accompanying its clients in finding non-judicial solutions to disputes that may arise within the framework of their personal or commercial relationships, through schemes transactions through refined strategies that allow avoiding significant losses of time and resources in the different instances of ordinary courts. 

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